"Get Your First 20 Paid Clients"

Your Course Agenda

Subject to Change, but Timing is Confirmed.

Day 1: Monday, July 30

4pm USA Eastern (1pm USA Pacific)
In Sydney, NSW that's Tuesday at 6am
Class Duration approximately 90 minutes

The Critical Fundamentals of Your Business Success:

How to develop the optimum “OmniChannel Marketing Funnel to grow your local marketing business. Any good funnel strategy will attract new leads…but it takes some fundamental shifts to transition those leads into buyers…and even more of a shift to attract long-term buyers that bring you consistent monthly income. What you learn in this module, you can also apply to your clients’ businesses and boost your income even more!

It all starts with your “Vortex”…and we’ve brought in our special guest, Gina Gaudio-Graves, to teach this critical concept (it will transform the way you look at your business–forever!).

Day 2: Tuesday, July 31

4pm USA Eastern (1pm USA Pacific)
In Sydney, NSW that's Wednesday at 6am
Class Duration approximately 120 minutes

Fundamentals of Leverage:

How to capitalize on “The Lazy Factor”: How to get all the work done without doing any of it yourself. Yes, that’s right. Ken has over 35 people working with him in The Philippines, helping him grow his remarkable software company. You’ll discover how he’s done it and how you can build your own winning outsourcing team in the Philippines—both to grow your own business and to build your clients’ businesses. As a bonus, you’ll get to meet the man who taught Ken how to set it all up and learn the closely-guarded secrets that make outsourcing your ultimate advantage in the marketplace. Special Guest: John Jonas

How to leverage the power of joint ventures for exponential growth (Part 1). Ken grew his business from zero to tens of thousands practically overnight using some of these strategies, and you’ll discover exactly how he did it…building a list in the thousands (and all totally targeted prospects and buyers, too!) in just a few short weeks. You’ll also discover the key elements of how to create the ultimate joint venture that will pay you for years to come–both your your own business and as a JV broker for your clients (one of the best lead and revenue generation mechanisms you’ll ever use!).

Day 3: Wednesday, August 1

4pm USA Eastern (1pm USA Pacific)
In Sydney, NSW that's Thursday at 6am
Class Duration approximately 120 minutes

Bringing it all Home for Top Results:

Using Reputation Management as a Lead Generator. Everyone loves to be the center of attention…but only when it’s good attention. Your target market is scared to death about their online reputation and how social media can make or break their success. You’re going to discover how to turn that fear into confidence and confidence into cash…YOUR cash. Surprise Special Guest!

How to create a high-profit long-term referral program and continuity income program. Yes, your fundamental key to success is having long-term, consistent money coming in…every month…like clockwork. During this session we’ll break down one of the most powerful ways you can do this…and create a virtual “autopilot to cash” system that will help your clients (so much so that they may name their next child (or grandchild) after you!

How to leverage the power of joint ventures for exponential growth (Part 2).

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Learn How To Get Your First 20 Paid Clients

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